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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Staying positive

In any crisis, be it personal, professional, medical, educational, one common advice that’s given by everyone to the affected person is ‘Be Positive’. Is it so easy to be positive? Well, the one who experiences it would have a better say on this. All of us are well aware of the fact that negativity produces wasteful thoughts and increases the number and speed of our thoughts, and consequently, the quality of our life.

On the other hand, self-realisation or soul-consciousness brings home the truth that the soul’s original qualities of love, peace, happiness and bliss are all non-material, like the soul itself. Even the negative traits or perversions like ego, anger, hatred, jealousy or the stresses and strains produced by these vices are non-material in nature. An inner journey is therefore an essential prerequisite for enjoying a happy external journey through this life and beyond.

Self-realisation enables us to easily let go of the past. Instead of regretting, it enables us to gain valuable experience from our past mistakes and increase our powers of tolerance and patience. When one begins to learn from mistakes, the meaning of the saying ‘everything happens for the best’ becomes clear. A strong will-power to learn from the mistakes enables one to transform a situation of possible failure into that of success will always keep us in good spirits, which in turn would always keep us light, happy and positive under all conditions.

Editor’s note: Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji is a writer at and can be reached at