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Friday, September 7, 2012

Awakening the Truth Within

Sharada Adhikari transcends to another level with spiritual leader Villy Doctor who is helping people alleviate stress in their lives through her unique technique of ‘Satya-realisation’

People’s stress levels have increased and there is much tension and anxiety in them,” says Villy Doctor, a spiritual healer and meditation instructor from Mumbai, India about her observation of the Nepali people.

And when there is stress, you develop disturbing thoughts, your health, creativity, power of concentration and other things are affected, says Villy Doctor who has developed a meditation technique called ‘Satya-realisation’ for stress management.

With this technique, Villy Doctor has helped a number of people from around the globe to get rid of stress and lead a “peaceful life”.

The ‘Satya-realisation’ is a simple technique that can be done by “anyone from a child to an adult to the elderly irrespective of their caste, class and gender”. “And unlike other meditation techniques, it can be done in just 10-15 minutes,” says Villy Doctor, who has complete her doctorate from Mumbai University on ‘Psycho-Biological Changes that take place through Meditation’.

So, what is Satya-realisation? “It is that state when you realise your true self. Your entire nervous system is bought to balance in a way that a powerful energy awakens within ourselves,” informs Villy Doctor.

But how is it done? “We have seven chakras in our body and each chakra is associated with a particular personality attribute. Through meditation these chakras are energized. The energy comes out of your body and makes connection with the universal energy. Then qualities like innocence, creativity, confident, diplomacy, power of forgiveness et cetera start developing in you,” she says adding, “Once you mediate regularly, you attain a state of peace, all the disturbing thoughts leave you, health and creativity develop, power of concentration grows, people feel very empowered and energetic.”

And she has been conducting stress management workshops in different organisations like Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Nokia in UAE, Google Inc in San Francisco, among others. With a belief that “every human has an energy system which needs to be in connection with the universal or cosmic energy” she also conducted different workshops for students and teachers of different schools in and around Kathmandu during her visit here.

She has lot of followers and is popularly known as Srestha Satyavati Narayani Ma.

Better addressed as ‘Mother’, she has cured individuals globally “by correcting their subtle system imbalances”. “Through my vibrational energy, I cure physical ailments like various types of cancers, cardiac blocks, hypertension, chemical imbalances, asthma, liver diseases,” says the Mother who claims “to have acquired this healing power when she was born. I have never learnt this technique”.

And she realized this power when she was child. “Whenever my friends used to have stomach ache, I would just put my hands over their stomach and they would feel better,” she recalls.

But the scope of her work area is much wider than that. In 2002, she established The Light of Life Trust in India to support the underprivileged, destitute women and senior citizens. She has also been involved in providing education to dropouts in rural Maharashtra, India.