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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Etiquette Rules for Managers

What you should avoid in the workplace

To help you navigate tricky situations below is a list of what you should avoid in the workplace:

Do not always stay behind your desk: For anything that is not part of the daily routine — meeting a client, an interview, a review — stand up. If you welcome that person and shake his or her hand while standing over your desk, you set up a power play.

Do not skim on small talk: Granted small talk can prove uninteresting, but this basic information helps your employees connect with you. You must have the believable, likable and trustworthy factor.

Do not use slang in e-mails: Treat initial e-mail exchanges like business letters. As you get to know the person you e-mail with, you can write more casually.

Do not avoid compliments: Find a justified compliment to pay someone, and make this a regular occurrence.

Do not add employees on social networking sites: When your employees or clients go home at night and log onto Facebook, it is likely a respite from the workplace and a way to connect with people outside of the office. If a boss adds them on Facebook, they can feel nervous about what to share and who to associate with.

Do not forget your facial expression: You should always work on your ‘boss face’. Shoot for an expression of concentrated attentiveness, and flash that smile when necessary. — Agencies