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Friday, June 1, 2012

1 thing every new hire should get on their first day

It is being reported on several techie websites that when employees arrive for their first day at Apple, they are given an inspirational note. The concept of giving every new hire a letter on their first day is a great idea for the following reasons:

1. First days are tough. You have not made ‘work friends’ yet so you feel alone, you do not know the company culture or jargons yet so you feel confused, and you are quite liberally lost. A warm letter can make you feel welcome.

2. First impressions count. A good orientation programme helps, but a warm note shows that the company cares enough about you to think ahead to your arrival.

3. Cultural immersion should start early. First days or weeks are often periods of lighter workloads. It is the perfect time for new hires to ‘work’ on understanding the company culture and values.

Welcoming each newbie on their first day with a note is a great idea. To make it effective, make it personal and focused on organizational values. — Agencies