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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Law of Karma

Our lives are based on two important worlds — Destine and Karma. Let us understand what exactly these two terms signify. In simple words, Destiny is the outcomes of our own thoughts and actions or as per common proverb, “As you sow, so shall you reap”. Karma simply means to perform actions, but it is the motive or intent of the actions that determines one’s destiny. Therefore, each human being, and not almighty, the creator, is the architect of his or her own future.

Destiny, functions on the spiritual law of action that is subtle and cannot be influenced or manipulated by mankind. The majority of humanity believes in this spiritual law in one form or other irrespective of religious following or inclination. Many of us have been taught that when we make mistakes by performing actions outside the moral code of ethics, we can simply ask forgiveness from God, which would surely be granted. Therefore, we continue committing the same mistakes again and again, which has brought us into a helpless stage, as we knowingly commit actions, fully cognizant of the consequences. Inspite of knowing the fact that the actions we are committing are grossly immoral, we don’t have become amoral; our power to reason has got exhausted and our conscience has gone into hibernation. We live in a hope that either almighty is not looking at us or that we will be granted forgiveness for all our sins.

However, this is not how the eternal spiritual laws operate, because the universal law of karma is the arm of the spiritual judiciary that dispenses divine justice. Hence, under spiritual law, “justice is never denied or delayed”. So one must always remember that, the past is history, the future is a mystery; but, the present is an enormous legacy and a rewarding gift for us to reshape our destiny. That’s why it is said, “No one is bigger than Destiny”.

Editor’s note: Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji is a writer at and can be reached at