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Monday, May 6, 2013

Detach to be happy

Attachment and detachment are two important factors ruling human lives. Everything in our life is borne out of our actions and deeds. We are wholly responsible for our own life. It may sound strange but it is a fact. Knowingly or unknowingly, intentionally, we get attached to unnecessary things in life, pushing ourselves into troubles and tensions.

Inner detachment is not indifference. One can lead a normal, ordinary life, and yet display inner emotional and mental detachment by right practice. True inner detachment manifests as the ability to think clearly and to be immune to what people think or say about you. It enables you to have more control over your moods and states of mind, and, therefore, enjoy inner balance, harmony and peace. It coexists with self-control, self-discipline and a focused mind. It brings inner calmness and tranquillity that external circumstances cannot disturb or upset. A person possessing detachment will not be affected or daunted by obstacles or failures in life. While others become immersed in self-pity or in thoughts about failure and missed opportunities, the person who possesses detachment will be working on a new venture or trying a different approach.

A state of inner detachment helps to overcome failure and focus on the future and on success. Lack of detachment is attachment. Attachment manifests as fear to make changes, to progress or try doing things in a different way. Detachment goes with the ability to weigh the pros and cons of situations, circumstances and actions in an impartial way, and to make rational decisions, which are not based on moods. It helps to keep a clear and focused mind, and to recognise opportunities that others might not see.

So follow the easiest route to be stress-free by being ‘Detached’.

Editor’s note: Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji is a writer at and can be reached at