Address unacceptable employee behavior the moment it comes to your attention. Managers should nip bad behavior in the bud to prevent employees from flaunting workplace rules, whether the issue is inappropriate clothing, personal phone calls or unauthorized Internet use.
Identify the specific infraction of a workplace rule the moment it occurs or as soon as it’s called to your attention by another employee. Record details of the incident, the time and the date of the infraction and place it into the personnel file of the offender. Check your company’s employee manual to make certain the behavior you’ve cited is clearly noted.
Wait for a second infraction of workplace policy to make certain the original unacceptable behavior wasn’t an isolated incident. Call the employee to your desk for a chat or arrange to meet with her outside the office environment — for lunch, perhaps. Be direct. Use “I-speak” to avoid making accusations that could put the employee on the defensive.
Listen. Sift through the explanations offered by the employee and query her on points you find confusing. Jot down notes for accurate record of her responses. Inquire into incidents that may have triggered the unacceptable behavior.
Discuss with your employee remedies that could get her back on track. Offer assurances that your door is always open should she need to talk about whatever led her to break the rules in the first place.
Issue a written reprimand if, despite the aforementioned actions, the unacceptable behavior recurs. Copy higher-ups, appropriate department heads, the direct superior of the offender and your company’s legal counsel, advising everyone of your employees’ apparent unwillingness to remedy her unacceptable behavior despite your repeated intervention. — Agencies