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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Be Realistic‚ Be Honest

Be Realistic‚ Be Honest

World is an illusion and we are all surrounded by the people who are unrealistic and impractical. How many of us today live in a realistic manner? I am sure not many do! This is because all of us have a bad habit to fake or to exaggerate. Be it telling story of a movie, or telling someone about our achievements, or sharing secrets about someone’s personal life. It’s so easy to multiply and magnify facts and we are all experts at doing it and with time often it happens naturally by habit.

One might wonder — why is it so tempting to stretch the facts? Is the reality not interesting enough? Or does it help to get your message across if you fake? Or does the exaggeration reflect realities that we had liked to create? Well, the reality is that when we stretch things bigger than they are, it makes things more complicated and difficult in our as well as other’s minds. Hence, every time we fake, we’re distorting reality. It’s seen as a form of lying, which creates mistrust in our lives and we end up losing respect from others. There is also a saying that ‘With One Lie, One Needs A Support From 100 Lies’.

So what’s the solution to cure this habit which some might term as a harmless habit. Well, it’s okay to exaggerate sometimes to make people laugh or to lighten up the atmosphere, but don’t overdo it, because sometimes it may become lethal for us as well as for others. Remember, we don’t need to exaggerate at every moment to prove our point. It’s not needed. Instead we must learn to be realistic.

Stay focused on the the facts, and do not allow our emotions to get the better out of us. So, be honest and trustworthy and you will be respected more.

Editor’s note: Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji is the author at and can be contacted at