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Monday, June 17, 2013

Facebook adds ‘hashtag’ feature


SAN FRANCISCO: Facebook (FB) Inc, the world’s number one social network, is adopting the ‘hastag,’ one of the most recognisable features of its younger rival Twitter, in a move to position its web service as an important complement to television, sporting events and breaking news. The hashtag, which appears as the # symbol and was first popularised on Twitter, enables users to follow specific topics of conversation within a social network’s ever-changing stream of user comments. “Between 88 and 100 million Americans log in to FB every night during prime time TV hours, which represents a significant opportunity for broadcasters, advertisers and our other partners,” Justin Osofsky, director of platform partnerships and operations at FB, said in a blog post on Wednesday. The company said that hashtags were the first of several new features that will be introduced to highlight discussions about events on FB.