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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Silence: The way to communicate

Silence is the bridge of communication between the Divine and the divine in us. Silence is where one finds what is most precious. Spiritual silence is the positioning of the heart and mind in readiness for communication with the One. It gives one an energy, pure and selfless, from the Creative Source, to burst out of the cocoon of dust and routine, opening up unlimited horizons of new vision.

Silence brings our mental and emotional energy’ to a point of concentration, where we can be still.

Without this inner stillness, we become like a puppet by the many different strings of external influences. This inner point of stillness is the seed of autonomy, which cuts the strings, and then the loss of energy eases.

Silence heals. It is clear like a mirror. The mirror does not blame or criticise but helps us to see things as they are, providing a diagnosis to release us from all types of wrong thinking.

How does silence do this? Silence revives the original peace of the self; that is innate, divine and, when invoked, flows through one’s being, harmonising and healing every imbalance. To create silence, we have to step within, connect with our eternal self — the soul. In this introspective space we reflect. We recollect what has been forgotten for a long time. We concentrate slowly and gently and as we do so, those original spiritual blueprints of love, truth and peace emerge and are experienced as personal and eternal realities.

The art of listening from within guides us into the right position, opening the channel of receptivity. For receptivity we must clear ourselves of ‘Me-attitude’. We must stand clean, bare, simple, stripped of artificiality, only then the genuine communication with the divine begins.

Editor’s note: Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji is a writer at and can be reached at